Become a Podcast Guest


Don't waste any more time & money creating and struggling
to launch your product. Book one session with iBen.


What is this ALL about?

Clarity of your calling

Clarity of your message

Clarity of your product

Clarity of your audience

How to get simple traffic without breaking your bank account

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Why are most creators stuck?

They are not clear about what their product is about

They are not clear about how to articulate their message

They are not clear about their offer and pricing

They are not clear about what tools to use

They are not clear about how to generate traffic

They are being sold long hours of "how to" courses that never end

If you are not clear about
HOW TO NAVIGATE through any of the processes below. You are definitely STUCK
and you need support


  • Your Calling
  • Your Message



  • Your Connections
  • Your People



  • Buyer
  • System
  • Test



Book a session

What is The iBen
Advisory Sessions...

Leverage our product launch framework to
accelerate your result and become intentional about going from being stuck to a state of flow!


You can use our 5 step
product launch framework

  • Step #1  
    The Message

Leverage our product launch framework to accelerate your result
and become intentional about going from being stuck to a state of flow!

  • Step #2  
    The Product

What do you have to offer and what is your product ladder

  • Step #3  
    The Audience

Leverage our product launch framework to accelerate your result
and become intentional about going from being stuck to a state of flow!

  • Step #4  
    THE Platform
    & Configuration

Leverage our product launch framework to accelerate your result
and become intentional about going from being stuck to a state of flow!

  • Step #5  
    The GTM

Leverage our product launch framework to accelerate your result
and become intentional about going from being stuck to a state of flow!

  • Step #1 -

Leverage our product launch framework to accelerate your result
and become intentional about going from being stuck to a state of flow!

  • Step #2 -

What do you have to offer and what is your product ladder

  • Step #3 -

Leverage our product launch framework to accelerate your result
and become intentional about going from being stuck to a state of flow!

  • Step #4 -

Leverage our product launch framework to accelerate your result
and become intentional about going from being stuck to a state of flow!

  • Step #5 -

Leverage our product launch framework to accelerate your result
and become intentional about going from being stuck to a state of flow!

How the Advisory
session work


Book a session for
$99 only


You will meet directly with iBen himself
(if you sign up now)


If you are clear enough, you can pick a step
you  will like iBen to navigate with you


If you are unsure, no problem, we provide you with pre-meeting questionnaire that will help you navigate where you are and what you should be doing next


Wherever you are, you will be provided with guided tools, templates, swipes, whatever you need to move to the next step in your launch


At the end you will
also receive a digital
roadmap that you can use to navigate your process right away


You will be crystal clear and know exactly how
to project and start generating revenue for your business


Book a session for
$99 only


You will meet directly with iBen himself
(if you sign up now)


If you are clear enough, you can pick a step
you  will like iBen to navigate with you


If you are unsure, no problem, we provide you with pre-meeting questionnaire that will help you navigate where you are and what you should be doing next

Book a session

meet iBen...

My name is iBenjamen, my friends call me iBen. For over a decade my team and I have worked behind the scenes to help tons of entrepreneurs turn their passion into a profitable business.

This is what I am passionate about!

We developed a patentable process called VSM-Framework. We have used this system to help our clients become successful online.

We have a brick-and-mortar agency in beautiful Northern California. In other words, we still practice what we teach.

If you are willing to commit to launching a simple product online and spend 3 days learning while we teach you a simple process that's simple to implement, then join us!

I commit to provide you with my best and to ensure you will have all it takes without over-leveraging you.

You will discover exactly what to offer and how to grab the attention of people that can learn from you.-iBen

what they say about iBen

"More than strategy!"

“iBen is more than a strategist or a coach, he is a man of incredible wisdom, skill, and discernment. He can help to equip you in an atmosphere of honor and inspiration. It has been an absolute joy and gift to know him and to engage in his process of support.”

-Sarah Herring

M.A., Spiritual Director, HCMI SF-SD Spiritual Direction Program Faculty, The Whole Peace CEO


"As a leader of a growing organization that influences people in multiple sectors and nations, I am challenged with how to effectively understand my audience and meet their needs. Working with iBen brought remarkable clarity and language that has given us momentum to multiply.
I have no hesitation recommending him and his process to help you more effectively brand, market and serve your growth goals".

-Andy Mason

CEO, Heaven in Business


“iBenjamen helped us to get clarity about who our customers are. This is beyond the idea of knowing just the basic demographics but in-depth approach into how to serve them. Also he helped us think through and pull out our commitment to our clients, now we have a better platform to bring clarity to our message and serve our clients better.”

-Nate Goad

MBA CFP - Wealth Advisor

"So much clarity!"

“Being a part of a community where so many industries comes together gives me clarity for my own business.
iBen has created a safe place where he offers so much wisdom, experience, and so much heart!
I am grateful for the iBen community!

-Heather Gloria

Life Coach


“First time I heard iBen speak on Clubhouse, I knew right away he had something for me. He helped me clarify the best route and I was able to launch my first online product! I crushed my first quarter goal!”

-Nick Jackson

Creator, Jackson Crypto CO.


“As I transitioned into business I knew I needed help because I have tried everything on my own and bought many products. iBen made such a great difference in my life and business. Not only did he help me launch my product, but he did it with such grace and incredible effort. He and his team are just unbelievable. I am super grateful for calling him my friend.”

-CJ Ellis

Founder TEWM and Co-creator -
Happy Marriage Blueprint


“I have had a message in me for a long time, but I have been stuck for over six to seven years now. I was overwhelmed with how much I carry. I have taken so many courses in so many things, but I haven’t gotten anywhere. I just spent one hour with iBen, and he has brought so much clarity to the things I have been stuck with, so I am excited! Now I can see how everything is possible. Now I know how to take my message to my people. Thank you iBen.”

-Ava Manuel



“As the founder of Angel Light Candle, I was getting burned out. I knew I needed support. iBen became the game changer for me, called out the gold in me and helped me find clarity and momentum.”

-Kaycee Faith

CEO, Angel light candle

"More than strategy!"

“iBen is more than a strategist or a coach, he is a man of incredible wisdom, skill, and discernment. He can help to equip you in an atmosphere of honor and inspiration. It has been an absolute joy and gift to know him and to engage in his process of support.”

-Sarah Herring

M.A., Spiritual Director, HCMI SF-SD Spiritual Direction Program Faculty, The Whole
Peace CEO

"So much clarity!"

“Being a part of a community where so many industries comes together gives me clarity for my own business.
iBen has created a safe place where he offers so much wisdom, experience, and so much heart!
I am grateful for the iBen community!

-Heather Gloria

Life Coach


“I have had a message in me for a long time, but I have been stuck for over six to seven years now. I was overwhelmed with how much I carry. I have taken so many courses in so many things, but I haven’t gotten anywhere. I just spent one hour with iBen, and he has brought so much clarity to the things I have been stuck with, so I am excited! Now I can see how everything is possible. Now I know how to take my message to my people. Thank you iBen.”

-Ava Manuel



"As a leader of a growing organization that influences people in multiple sectors and nations, I am challenged with how to effectively understand my audience and meet their needs. Working with iBen brought remarkable clarity and language that has given us momentum to multiply.
I have no hesitation recommending him and his process to help you more effectively brand, market and serve your growth goals".

-Andy Mason

CEO, Heaven in Business


“First time I heard iBen speak on Clubhouse, I knew right away he had something for me. He helped me clarify the best route and I was able to launch my first online product! I crushed my first quarter goal!”

-Nick Jackson

Creator, Jackson Crypto CO.


“As the founder of Angel Light Candle, I was getting burned out. I knew I needed support. iBen became the game changer for me, called out the gold in me and helped me find clarity and momentum.”

-Kaycee Faith

CEO, Angel light candle


“iBenjamen helped us to get clarity about who our customers are. This is beyond the idea of knowing just the basic demographics but in-depth approach into how to serve them. Also he helped us think through and pull out our commitment to our clients, now we have a better platform to bring clarity to our message and serve our clients better.”

-Nate Goad

MBA CFP - Wealth Advisor


“As I transitioned into business I knew I needed help because I have tried everything on my own and bought many products. iBen made such a great difference in my life and business. Not only did he help me launch my product, but he did it with such grace and incredible effort. Him and his team are just unbelievable. I am super grateful for calling him my friend.”

-CJ Ellis

Founder TEWM and Co-creator -
Happy Marriage Blueprint

Here IS What You Get in one session!

*A $1500 Value for only  $99 (one time payment)

One session directly with iBen (current rate is $250/ph)

12 series email swipe for our high conversion bootcamp

2-Step funnel to earn Bootcamp recording

Easy product-launch roadmap

Advanced product-launch checklist

So much more

Absolute clarity of your process or your money back guarantee

Priority to book another session, if you want any other steps covered

Book your session now!



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Move to the next step

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Connect with iBen

Fill Out The Form Below To Book

To invite iBen to speak at your event, or to interview him on your podcast or as a panelist, or to generally connect with him. Please complete the form below and someone from our team wil get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your inquiry.



We would love to hear more about you and your story.
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